Street Food Trading

Street Trading within Sheffield City Centre has changed recently and there are new guidelines and licences around it. This is now managed by Sheffield Markets and not the Licensing Service and all licences issued will be a Street Food Market Licence and not a Street Trading Consent. This has been established under the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1982-Schedule 4 Street Trading and the Markets & Fair Clauses Act 1847.

Please read below to gain some basic information around these changes.

General street trading is not now permitted within the city centre and this initiative is for Street Food Vendors.

The purpose of the changes and the new project are based around improving the on street offer within the city centre which in turn should provide opportunities for local street food businesses.

Operators need to be aware that the requirements in relation to their offer are rigid, and we encourage vendors to have high quality portable units that will bring colour and vitality to the city centre. 

For further information please send an email outlining your initial interest to the following:

Alternatively you can call the Markets Service on 01142 735281