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TCM Sun Care
- Crystal Peaks
Contact Details
TCM Sun Care - Chinese Acupuncture Massage &Herbal Remedies
I set up my Chinese Medicine Practice in June 2015. During the time, I had a few other options for my career as a Chinese medicine practitioner. However, I have established some unique trusting relationships with some of my patients in the local area and I would like to continue helping them, who require my diagnoses and treatments for a relatively long period. In August 2014, I opened my own practice, which is currently located in the Market Place in the Crystal Peaks shopping centre.
I am specialised in diagnosing the causes of different pains and providing suitable treatments to relieve them. I am also specialised in developing treatments for infertility. For details, see my specialities.
I have a high standard of professional integrity and moral standard and care for the wellbeing of my patients. I will only provide treatments to patients whose illness and health issues where I have specialised knowledge and am confident to provide beneficial treatments.
I warmly welcome you to visit our website - do look through the web pages and identify what kind of Chinese medical treatment you and your family and friend may need.
Trading Area: At the back right corner of the market
Trading Days: Monday to Sunday